Saturday, November 4, 2017

Stand together-Become a proper team builder


Wanna go through some team building activities? Then try "LAVA RIVER",
a challenge to compete as a team on imagined lava river. The first challenge was to stand on a paper. 
Students were divided to 3 groups, and the challenge was to whole team members need to stand on that paper without touching the floor(Lava river). If any member of a team touched the Lava, the team will be disqualified. We had to remain on the paper until Miss Sarasi says out. 
The challange became more harder because the paper got smaller in each round and it to got really harder to stay balance on the paper.

The Other challenge was to cross the river. 4 pieces of papers for each group to use as tiles. You cant leave any tile without any human touch. Otherwise it will take out. If any tile was taken out, team members have to play with the remaining tiles. How ever every team member should cross the lava river. Time to spent for cross the river will counted and the team with the lowest time record will become as the winners.

I think these kind of team building activities are about understanding, appreciating, developing and maximizing the people in your team, and also the team as a unified group. When we trying to do the tasks, we understood it well.
If we become productive, efficient, motivated then we can easily become winning happy team.
It not just the wining. Even we trying these things make us more motivated and happier.
Thanks for Madam Sarasi We all enjoying these sessions.

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