Friday, October 12, 2018


What is self-reflection?

Self-reflection is like looking in a mirror and describing what you see. It's a way to judge youLirself to determine how you work and how you learn. In simple words, "thinking" means thinking about something. Reflecting and composing self-reflective writing is becoming an increasingly important component of any form of learning or learning.

Why is self-reflection important?

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Starting by opening your front camera of your mobile phone, to look at it, actually think what you see, rather than of taking photographs for years. 

Ever see your self and think who you are. I don't think you did. Neither do I. 

So the Madam Sarasi told us that the importance of Self-reflection.

What I understood was,

The Importance of Self Reflection. ... Reasons it is beneficial to self-reflect: Self reflection helps to build emotional self-awareness. By taking the time to ask yourself the important questions, you gain a better understanding of your emotions, strengths, weaknesses and driving factors.

But going through all the session I had most weird opinion that I DON'T CARE WHAT THE SOCIETY THINKS. I Didn't changed my mind because actually I don't. But I don't live like a stupid. 

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Whether at home or at work - reflection is an important part of learning. You would not want to use a recipe a second time if the court did not work the first time, right? You can customize the recipe or find a new one and hopefully better. If we learn, we could be in a routine that may not work properly. When you think about your own abilities, you can see the changes you may need to make.

Questions to think about:

Strengths - What are my strengths? For example, am I well organized? Can I remember things?

Weaknesses - What are my weaknesses? For example, am I slightly distracted? Do I need more practice with a certain ability?

Skills - What skills do I have and what am I good at?

Problems - What problems at work / at home can affect me? For example, responsibilities or distractions that can affect education or work.

Achievements - What did I achieve?

Happiness - Are there things I do not like or are disappointed with? What makes me happy?

Solutions - What can I do to improve these areas?

Self-reflection may seem difficult at first sight, selfish or embarrassing, but not natural. You'll find that the exercise makes it easier and the end result could be happier and more effective.

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What I Achieved from PPD

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