Sunday, July 30, 2017

What we achieved from PPD?  

Working as teams:

It is imperative for University students to function efficiently and appropriately in groups, collaborate on projects and manage many other things with others. People who succeed only when working alone will struggle in studying, as most careers in the future require collaboration.

We develop skills necessary to effectively work with others in numerous ways, including participating in various activities, that our coordinator arranged. We also completed team-based activities and we were able to learn how to manage our time during an activity.

Communication skills:

A common complaint among employers is that young people do not know how to effectively carry on a, listening and maintaining eye contact during a conversation

young individuals connected one another through the technology, there a no question on that has also reduce their ability to communicate face-to-face or These skills will again be important not only in university, where we must work to gain everything for our future

This skill effectively improved for some level during this semester because of the PPD activities that arranged by our coordinator. She arranged quick speeches, conversations etc.  


As Students will be faced with a many of unexpected challenges in future and receive little or no aid in overcoming the problems. We must be able to solve problems in creative ways and to identify solutions to issues with no prescribed formula.

We were able to solve few problems during the activities that we've done. We struggled to handle unanticipated setbacks. We improve problem-solving abilities by listening and respecting to our team mates’ opinions and suggestions on a problem or a task


This important to be able to function in a group, it is important to show leadership skill when it necessary. Both in university as a student and in workplace as an employee. At most of the time, Software developing is not a single member’s task. It is a group work. So as Software Engineering students, Importance of leadership is very high. Nowadays Software Companies wish to hire leaders, not followers.

Sarasi madam arranged the best way for us to develop this skill by giving tasks and activities for leadership opportunities in university. This could mean, among other things,  leading an extracurricular group. 

So that's it for this semester. 15 weeks makes our better. Hope next semester PPD sessions will be more interesting and enjoyable.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Paper tower activity

“More hands make for lighter work.” “Two heads are better than one.” “The more the merrier.”

These adages speak to the potential groups have to be more productive, creative, and motivated than individuals on their own.

Our Challenge: 

Getting the papers to stand up, using tape, staples, glue, also you can bend, fold, or tear the papers itself.
Our challenge was to build a tower for each team by using sheets of papers, a scissor,a tape within minutes. Marks were given for the height,balance, rigidity of the tower.
Three groups were divided.

while doing the activity. Ideas of team members were important to make a better plan for the tower. While PPD sessions, we improved a quality that to respect other people's ideas,

With this challenge we were able to understand that the solution is different from challenge to challenge. So the each members idea were very important. So, 

because of that our effort of creating paper tower was succusful.

Al so we were able to,

  1. Defining the problem or issue at hand 
  2. Analyzing those alternatives
  3. Selecting the most viable alternative
  4. Implementing the necessary decisions

Of course, each individual must also engage in the critical thinking process on their own, there should not be a blind reliance on the 

group's efforts. Finally, each individual is responsible for both their own mind, and their own contributions. This ensure is not only the development of that individual, 

but also the development of the group as well, as each group is only as effective as its individual members are on their own away from the group  

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Personal Progress Development

What is PPD?

Personal & Social progress Development to increase our communication skills, problem-solving skills and independence.
 Some will have the opportunity to develop their independent living skills in our real life and educational life.

by doing PPD activities we can develop our skills as mentioned above.

Improving communication skills.

Effective communication is one of the most important life skills we can learn—yet one we don’t usually put a lot of effort into.
 Whether you want to have better conversations in your social life or get your ideas across better at work, study, and to express our
ideas to the society. With PPD activities we can improve our communication skills by dealing with our batch mates.

Team work.

The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal is a teamwork.
team work is a often crucial part of both buisness and education and its improve a bond which promotes 
strength, unity, reliability and support.


Leadership skills are the strength and ability for individuals to demonstrate that help the oversee processes, 
guide initiatives and steer their employees and colleagues toward the achievement of goals.
We will be able to  
Motivate our collegues
talk about Positivity
Trustworthiness of each other
taking Feedbacks from others
take the responsibility to success our works,
by participating ppd activities...

Presentation skills

presentation skills are the most important skill as a university student. PPD sessions were very helpful to improve our 
skills by 

Preparing the speech/presentation very well. Also we did instant speeches.
Pay attention to proper posture, correct them.
Speak loudly and clearly in the class
Being confident.

Personal Progress Development is most important to our lives to become a successful person in our personal life and as a employee.

It will make our path to reach our goal and then periodically we have to evaluate your progress.
Hope it will be more interesting in the future 

What I Achieved from PPD

Personal Progress Development For the past two years in the university, Personal progress development sessions inspired us in a awesome w...