Sunday, September 30, 2018

Expert? Find yourself

...Alone we can do little; Together we can do more...

On this day, Madam Sarasi divided our class in to four groups for a new activity. So each group was instructed to find 3 specific areas that you are experts yourself. By combining that expertized areas, each group must come up with innovative product idea. 
Image result for innovation

From the each six members of the each group had an expertized area. So the next challenge was to identify the specific areas to combine to find a proper product idea. So our team came-up with a idea  
for the product as Cricket video game by combining Playing cricket, Painting and Gaming.
Also othe teams came up with 

  • Eye glass cover (Handmade things, Riding bikes, Reading)
  • Taekwondo video game(Taekwondo, Painting and Gaming)
  • Chess video game(Gaming, Playing chess and painting)

These ideas were bit difficult though. Mrs. Sarasi reported an amazing idea presented by seniors. They supplies curry chicken with a motorcycle for book readers. It's a combination of simple expert areas. Unbelievable no ....
Image result for innovation

She told us that we are experts in how we combine various incredible areas to build a product and how to release a suitable product that is useful in different areas.
This activity helped us to think beyond the box and make new ideas when you com up with team.
And we understood that the way to success for new innovative idea is to concerning everyone's ideas.
Everyone is matter.


What I Achieved from PPD

Personal Progress Development For the past two years in the university, Personal progress development sessions inspired us in a awesome w...