Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Session with Industry to emerge tech trends of the world

Technology is embedded in everything we do and enhances the way we live, work and live the world. However, more transformation is at stake - a change that goes beyond digitization, at a time when technology is embedded in every interaction. The technology vision of Accentuation from 2018 explores rapidly changing computer trends, not only in everyday life, but also in society as a whole. This enables companies from all sectors to rethink their options.

For example, one of the key WSO2 companies in Sri Lanka, coordinated by Madam Sarasi, organized a meeting to introduce ourselves and familiarize ourselves with new trend technologies.

So the session conductors Mr.Srinath Perera with Mrs. Premila Rajapaksha discussed above these techs.

The world is changing day by day, new technologies emerge. As a software engineer, it is important that we know these things. We should always be up to date with new trends.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Facing For an Interview

Today we had the opportunity to play the interview script. Our colleagues was divided into 3 teams. Three members of each team were interviewed by other members of the team  who played the roles of the interview candidates.

We were asked to follow what we learned during the PPD interviews. 

We were guided to improve confidence, smiled and answered the request of our friends. At the time we were really thinking about the positions of our strengths, about our weaknesses. 

This is how we recognize what we want to improve and what we want to show our strengths in an interview. On some occasions we forgot to keep eye contact. Sometimes I forgot to change the chair when we got up. I forgot to say thank you.

Most of us made simple mistakes in our interviews. Maybe it's because we have very little experience. In some cases it was the first time in an interview.
Experience gives us a lot to learn and achieve. It is therefore very important to practice the interview procedure with a friend until you are sure.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

!!! Cut the Cake !!!

Miss Sarasi grouped our friends and gave a small piece of cake.

Then she asked the above task. 

This was given for only a minute. 

All groups presented themselves in different ways. 

But only one group won the task. 

We have to make a quick decision if we want to win
We have to have an appropriate strategy and logical thinking

Creative ideas must have.

What I Achieved from PPD

Personal Progress Development For the past two years in the university, Personal progress development sessions inspired us in a awesome w...